

Team Composition
  1. Team must consist of 6 players – 4 players and 2 reserves.
  2. At any one time, there must be 4 players on the court.
  3. There must be a minimum of 2 females, i.e. 2 males and 2 females on the court.
  4. Only registered team players are allowed to participate in the matches.
  5. Registration cost: $12/pax
Team Attire
  1. Wearing a top on court is optional; player may play bare-bodied.
  2. Shoes and socks are allowed but optional. The players on court may wear slippers/sandals at their own risk.
  3. No object that may cause injury is to be worn, including pins, bracelets, etc.
  4. Players may wear glasses/sunglasses at their own risk.


Playing the ball
  1. Each team is entitled to a maximum of three hits for returning the ball over the net.
  2. These team hits include not only intentional hits by the player, but also unintentional contacts with the ball.
  3. A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively.
  1. The first service of a set is executed by the team determined by the coin toss
  2. After the first service in a set, the player to serve is determined as follows:
  3. When the serving team wins the rally, the player who served before, serves again.
  4. When the receiving team wins the rally, it gains the right to serve and the player who did not serve last time will serve.
  5. The server may move freely within the service zone. At the moment of the service hit or take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court (the end line included) or the ground outside the zone.
  6. The server must hit the ball within 5 seconds after the referee whistles for service.
  7. A service executed before the referee’s whistle is cancelled and repeated.
  8. The ball shall be hit with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released and before it touches the playing surface.
  1. The first hit after the block may be executed by any player, including the one who has touched the ball at the block.
  2. In blocking, the player may place his/her hands and arms beyond the net provided that his/her action does not interfere with the opponent’s play. Thus, it is not permitted to touch the ball beyond the net until the opponent has executed an attack-hit.
  3. A blocking contact is counted as a team hit.
Ball At Net
  1. The ball sent to the opponent’s court must go over the net within the crossing space. The crossing space is the part of the vertical plane of the net limited as follows:
    1. Below, by the top of the net
    2. At the sides, by the antennae and their imaginary extension,
    3. Above, by a ceiling or structure (if any).
  2. The ball is “out” when it crosses completely the lower space under the net.
  3. A player, however, may enter the opponents’ court in order to play the ball before it crosses completely the lower space or passes outside the crossing space.
  4. A ball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three team hits.
  5. Each team must play within its own court and playing space. The ball may, however, be retrieved from beyond the free zone

Playing the ball
  1. A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively.
  1. Serving becomes a fault if
    1. The ball, after having been tossed or released by the server, lands without being touched or caught by the server, it is considered as a service, or
    2. the ball touches a player of the serving team or fails to cross the vertical plane of the net, or goes “out”
  2. The ball is not hit within 5 seconds after the referee whistles for service.
Attack-hit is faulty if:
  1. A player hits the ball within the playing space of the opposing team.
  2. A player hits the ball “out”.
  3. A player completes an attack-hit on the opponent’s service, when the ball is entirely above the top of the net.
  4. A player completes an attack-hit using an overhand pass, which has a trajectory not perpendicular to the line of the shoulders, except when setting his or her teammate.
  5. A player completes an attack-hit using an “open-handed tip or dink” directing the ball with the fingers
Block Faults
  1. The blocker touches the ball in the opponent’s space either before or simultaneously with the opponent’s attack-hit.
  2. A player blocks the ball in the opponent’s space from outside the antenna.
  3. A player blocks the opponent’s service.
  4. The ball is sent “out” off the block.
Ball at Net
Faults at net if:
  1. A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opponent’s attack-hit
  2. A player penetrates into the opponent’s space, court and/or free zone interfering with the latter’s play
  3. A player touches the net when the ball is in play
Default and Incomplete Teams
  1. If a team refuses to play after being summoned to do so, it is declared in default and forfeits the match with the result 0-2 for the match and 0-21, 0-21 (or 0-18 in prelims) for the sets.
  2. A team that does not appear on the playing court on time (within 15min upon commencement) is declared in default with the same result as in above.
  3. Each team must have exactly 4 players on court to play, incomplete teams will declare in default with the same result as in above.
Refereeing and Misconduct
  1. All decisions by the referee are final. Teams may ask for clarification but must be polite. Offensive and rude conducts may result in sanction.
  2. Sanction Types:
    1. Warning: A few unruly or invalid protests by the team player will lead to a yellow card being issued to him/her. Two yellow cards issued will result in the expulsion of the team player.
    2. Expulsion: The team player who is sanctioned with expulsion must leave the playing area and is suspended for the rest of the event’s matches as well. If the team is unable to replace the suspended player with a registered substitute, the team would thus have less than the required 4 players on court and hence a walkover victory will be rewarded to the opposing team accordingly. – “Default and Incomplete Teams – i”.
Consequences of a Fault
  • There is always a penalty for a fault: the opponent of the team committing the fault wins the rally
Competition Play:
  • Preliminary Round (Group Stage):
    • Match is won by the team that wins one set of 18. In the event of a tie-breaker, a team needs to win by two clear points to take the set. (Such as 19-17 and 20-18).
    • Teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams each, and will compete once with other teams in the same group. The team that wins the most matches and tops in each group can then proceed to Quarter-final round. In the event of equal matches won within the group, total number of sets won shall be used to decide the top-2 teams. Consequently, if the number of sets won is still unable to decide the top-2 teams, total number of games for each team shall be added up to decide the top-2 teams
  • Quarter-final Round (Knockout Stage):
    • Match is won by the team that wins two sets of 15 points first, with a minimum lead of two points.
    • The 4 winning teams would then proceed to the Semi-final round.
  • Semi-final Round (Knockout Stage):
    • Match is won by the team that wins two sets of 21 points first, with a minimum lead of two points.
    • A third tiebreaker round will be played if necessary, and is won by the team which scores 15 points first. In the event of a tie, a team needs to win by two clear points to take the set. (Such as 16-14 and 17-15).
  • Final Round:
    • Match is won by the team that wins two sets of 21 points first, with a minimum lead of two points.
    • A third tiebreaker round will be played if necessary, and is won by the team which scores 15 points first. In the event of a tie, a team needs to win by two clear points to take the set. (Such as 16-14 and 17-15).
Commencement of the game:
  • Prior the match, team captains must hand over the score sheet to the court official and represent his/her team in a coin toss, winner gets to choose:
    • Either to serve or receive the serve
    • Side of the court
Substitutions are based on rolling substitution system:
  • Substitutions are to be authorized by referee and done when the ball is out of play and before the whistle for service is blown.
  • Substitute player is allowed to enter the court only after the substituted player has left the court.
  1. A Time-out is a regular game interruption and it lasts for 30 seconds.
  2. Each team is entitled to a maximum of one time-out per set.
  3. The players may request time-outs only when the ball is out of play and before the whistle for service, by showing the corresponding hand signal. Time-outs may follow one another with no need to resume the game. The players must have authorization from referees to leave the playing area.
Court Switch
  1. Preliminary Round: The teams switch court after the end of each set of the game. The interval during the court switch for all rounds lasts one minute.
  2. During the interval before the 3rd deciding set, the referee carries out a coin toss. The winning team gets to choose the side of the court and whether to serve/receive serve.

  1. 1st Prize - $250
  2. 2nd Prize - $180
  3. 3rd Prize - $120

  1. Every decision made by the organizing committee will be final.
  2. Players are not allowed to wear any jewellery, accessories and watches. Ear studs are acceptable.
  3. Players are advised to be in comfortable attire.
  4. No footwear will be allowed during the game.
  5. Players are advised to wear socks in the case of the sand being really hot. However, socks can only be put on before or during half time. There will be no timeout or breaks given to put socks on.
  6. Girls are not allowed to wear skirts.
  7. Profanities are forbidden on court. Players will be warned and will be asked to leave the game if he/she had been warned repeatedly.
  8. Players are required to keep their fingernails short.
  9. No violent behaviour with the intention to hurt other participants and non-participants alike will be tolerated. Any intentional violence will result in instant expulsion for the player/s from the match.
  10. Players are not allowed to pull the shirt of their opponents.
  11. Signing on the verification slip would indicate that the whole team agrees that the score that is present on the slip at that point of time is accurate.